The Best Murals for Medical Clinics & Offices


People usually come to clinics and hospitals because something is wrong with them or a loved one. Medical settings tend to be associated with trying experiences and difficult news, which can lead to anxiety when visiting them. The aesthetics at medical facilities can be austere and intimidating, but something as simple as a piece of artwork or a wallpaper mural can really help brighten the space and alleviate stress.

In this article, the experts at Muralunique explain the benefits of wallpaper murals in medical settings, suggest where to use them and provide some examples for inspiration!

The benefits of wallpaper murals for medical clinics

Art may seem like little more than decoration, but it can have a major impact on patients in medical settings. A study on the use of art in hospitals has shown that art contributes to creating an environment where patients can feel safe. This has a measurable physiological effect on patients, lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Artwork also provides a distraction that diminishes the perception of pain. It can even improve recovery times and reduce a patient’s length of stay.

There’s no question that art is remarkably beneficial in healthcare settings, and wallpaper murals are a big, beautiful way to bring the healing powers of art to your facility!

Wallpaper murals for pediatrics

Medical facilities can be frightening places for children. The setting and equipment can be unfamiliar, procedures may be painful or scary, and depending on their age, they may not understand that everything is being done to help them feel better. Bright, fun wallpaper murals can help distract children and keep them in a positive frame of mind.

Murals that explain

Pictured: Animal Hospital

Wallpaper murals can be used to demystify healthcare for children and put them at ease. Parents and caregivers can point to the animals in this warm, comforting mural to explain that they are getting treated and cared for by medical professionals to help them feel better, just like the child is.

Murals that distract

Pictured: Children’s Tree

Wallpaper murals for children can also be useful as a distraction. If they are in pain or undergoing a frightening procedure, a mural that is full of colour and detail can provide them with something positive to focus on. Kids naturally imitate what they see, so a mural that depicts children having fun can help lift their mood and put a smile on their face.

Wallpaper murals for adults

Children aren’t the only ones who experience anxiety in medical settings. While adults might be better at hiding their unease, stress can still have an impact on patient outcomes. Wallpaper murals are a great way to help patients relax, and they can give healthcare workers a boost too!

The calming effects of nature

Pictured: Passage

It’s widely known that the colour green has a calming effect on humans due to its association with nature. According to the American Psychological Association, simply viewing the vibrant greenery of nature is restorative, both mentally and physically. Particularly if your medical clinic or hospital is in an urban setting, a wallpaper mural that features nature and landscapes can make a real difference for your patients.

Escape to a faraway place

Pictured: Shades of Blue in the Maldives Islands

The mind is a powerful thing. In unpleasant circumstances, our imaginations can whisk us far away to a place where we feel safe and happy. Wallpaper murals can provide patients with a way to escape their current discomfort. They can relax in the sun with a water and beaches mural or explore an exotic locale with a mural that shows the wonders of the world.

Where to use wallpaper murals in medical settings

The lobby

Pictured: Rainforest

The lobby is the first thing most people see when they enter a medical clinic or a hospital. If you make it a welcoming space, you’ll find that patients, visitors and employees are calmer and less stressed.

Waiting rooms

Pictured: Woodland in County Wicklow, Ireland

Waiting rooms can be tense places where anxiety and tempers run high. Something as simple as a peaceful nature mural in the waiting room can help defuse the tension and encourage patience when things are running behind.

Exam rooms and patient rooms

Since exam rooms and patient rooms are the places where patients tend to spend the most time, that is where wallpaper murals are likely to be the most beneficial. You can even put a mural on the ceiling to give patients something to look at while they’re in the dentist’s chair or on the examination table!

Create your own informative wallpaper mural

In addition to all of their other benefits, wallpaper murals can be informative. You can create your own custom mural for a wide variety of uses ranging from teaching kids to brush their teeth to providing directions to different departments in the hallways. Want large-scale anatomical charts to use as visual aids in your interactions with your patients? You can do it with a wallpaper mural!

Create a space for healing with murals from Muralunique

In medical settings, art can help create a reassuring atmosphere, reduce stress and improve patient outcomes. Its simplicity, beauty and benefits make it an obvious choice for medical facilities of all kinds.

Muralunique is a company that provides high-quality wallpaper murals for commercial and industrial use. Our specialties include healthcare centres, medical and dental offices and hospitals. Check out our online store or contact us today for stunning murals that will truly make a difference for your patients!

5 Tips for an Eye-Catching YouTube Backdrop

Tips for an eye-catching YouTube backdrop

Starting a YouTube channel? There are a few things you’ll need that are crucial for getting views. When setting up your videos, don’t underestimate the importance of your backdrop. The backdrop will be in view throughout your video and will appear in your thumbnail, so it’s vital to use something that will be attractive to viewers. Here are a few ideas to help you choose the best backdrop for your YouTube videos.

1. Natural backdrops

One of the most obvious solutions for a YouTube backdrop is to just use your surroundings. In theory, this is the easiest option, because it doesn’t require any prior research or investment. You can just set up your camera somewhere and start rolling.

However, using a natural backdrop can lead to unexpected problems. YouTube is very strict about privacy, identity protection and image rights. That means that it’s important to make sure you’re allowed to film in the location you choose. If you’re filming in the street, for example, you can’t post your video without getting permission from the people walking past behind you. Similarly, if you’re filming in a café or a train station, you’ll need permission from the owners or the municipal authorities.

Furthermore, you’ll have less control over lighting and background noise, which can affect the quality of your video.

Natural YouTube backdrop

2. Decorative backdrops

If you’re creating a space dedicated to filming, you might want to invest in a decorative backdrop for your YouTube videos. There are several cost-effective options for creating a unique, eye-catching YouTube backdrop that will give your videos a professional look.


Many YouTubers use fabric to decorate their backdrop. Cloth is an inexpensive, lightweight option that is easy to set up. You can simply install a curtain rod on the wall and hang the fabric from it. Shop around and decide between linens, curtains and blankets. Then, give your imagination free rein and choose a colour or pattern that suits you!


If you want to use your YouTube backdrop to show off your personality, buy some posters or print pictures and quotes and stick them on a board to create a collage. This type of background is inexpensive and easy to transport. Pictures can be great additions to information and entertainment videos, but promotional content creators should be aware that this type of background may distract viewers.


Lights are another YouTube backdrop option that’s inexpensive and easy to set up. You can switch up the colour to suit your mood or the themes you’re covering, opt for smart LED lights that change with the tone of your voice, or use spotlights for a high-end aesthetic. Ambient lighting can also give your YouTube videos a professional look.

A white wall

Still drawing a blank on ideas for your YouTube backdrop? Even a plain white wall can become a cozy, inviting backdrop with the right accents. Just add some furniture, a string of lights, some books or knickknacks, a plant or two and you’re all set!

A wallpaper mural

Want to appear to be in London, New York, on the moon or in the heart of a tropical forest without leaving your house? A wallpaper mural might be the perfect option! This high-quality wall décor is easy to install and will provide your viewers with a realistic or fantastical illusion. It’s a great way to show off your personality on your channel, and you can continue to enjoy your window to another world even after you’ve turned off the camera!

Wallpaper mural YouTube backdrop

3. Plain backdrops

Plain backdrops are so easy and cost effective that they might seem too good to be true. Even with a single solid colour, there’s a wealth of choice: hot pink, purple, duck egg blue, blood red, orange, etc. White can be a sensible choice if you want to include additional text or images in your video. Black provides a serious, professional look. Many YouTubers opt for plain backdrops in order to keep the focus on their content rather than the visuals.

Plain YouTube backdrop

4. Green screen backdrops

If you aren’t satisfied with your YouTube backdrop, you can create one digitally and edit it into your video by using a green screen. With this technique, you can use any backdrop you want and change it for every video if you like. All you need is a green screen and editing software.

Using a green screen gives you unparalleled versatility with your YouTube backdrops. You can place yourself on top of the Eiffel Tower, underwater, or in space and use a photo, animated image or even video to create the backdrop you want. The only limit is your imagination!

It’s important to note that in order for a green screen backdrop to look professional, you need to know how to use it properly. A poorly edited backdrop will make you look like an amateur, and YouTube places a lot of emphasis on quality.

Green screen backdrop

5. Backdrops to avoid

The YouTube algorithm is particularly strict and is placing more and more importance on the quality of videos, both in terms of content and visuals. It’s vital to avoid the following mistakes in order to prevent the platform from penalizing your videos:

  • Poor quality backdrops: It goes without saying that a successful backdrop is first and foremost a clean backdrop. If you use a plain backdrop, don’t choose a wall that’s full of marks, stains and holes.
  • Overly bright colours: An intensely bright backdrop may blind your viewers. Keep your lighting and colours soft and understated for a professional look.
  • Eccentric backdrops: Yes, your backdrop should reflect your personality, but it’s important to keep it neutral enough to appeal to most viewers. Not everyone likes the psychedelic aesthetic!
  • Messy backdrops: Feel free to use your bedroom to film if you don’t want to invest too much, but make sure to keep it as tidy as possible to give your backdrop an open, welcoming feel.
  • Poorly-executed green screen: A green screen backdrop can look professional if it’s done right. However, if you haven’t mastered the technique, it might have the opposite effect. It’s best to stick to a plain backdrop until you’re fully confident in your editing abilities.
YouTube backdrop to avoid

Creativity and professionalism: the keys to an eye-catching YouTube backdrop

There are many ways to create a great backdrop for your YouTube videos. Give your creativity free rein to come up with something that’s uniquely you. Whether you use lighting, a custom mural, an outdoor setting or a green screen, the important thing is to cultivate a high-quality aesthetic that complements your content. The more professional your backdrop looks, the better chance your video will have on YouTube.

9 Ideas for Black and White Wall Murals

Black and white wallpaper murals have the advantage of a timeless look to enhance your walls. These modern wall murals are more than ever recognized by interior decorators. Monochrome wallpaper murals give personality and character to cold and boring spaces.

Perfect for any type of decor, black and white wallpaper murals can be used in any room of your home, whether it is your dining room, your bedroom, or your office.

The experts at Muralunique reveal 9 black and white mural ideas to upgrade and enhance your home.

Monochrome nature wallpaper murals

Decorating your wall with a black and white wallpaper mural illustrating nature and its landscapes is a great idea for many reasons. On the one hand, you add a touch of nature to your space, yet still keep the elegance and finesse of black and white.

1. A walk in a snowy forest

What could be better to escape and find yourself in the middle of nature than a white forest wallpaper mural? A soothing, silent nature, where only the sound of your footsteps in the snow will be heard. This black and white wallpaper mural provides depth to your room and is perfect for adding dimension to small spaces.

2. The tranquility of wild plants

A monochromatic wallpaper mural can provide a comforting atmosphere, like the mural of watercolour wild field plants. Typically designed for cozy spaces like a bedroom, this mural wallpaper will prepare your mind to slip into a warm repose before you fall asleep.

3. Dahlia’s glow

The dahlia flower wallpaper mural in black and white will be a great option if you wish to infuse your room with a sweet floral scent. Its design helps to highlight your furniture, like a headboard in a bedroom or a sofa in a living room.

Urban black and white wallpaper murals

Thanks to its modern and industrial effect, an urban wallpaper mural will immerse you in the heart of the world’s greatest cities such as Montreal, New York, or Paris.

4. Brooklyn Bridge at night

Head to New York for a breathtaking view with this wallpaper mural of the Brooklyn Bridge at night. You can enjoy the monochrome skyline of New York forever.

5. View of Downtown Montreal from Mount Royal

Overlook Montreal and the St. Lawrence River with this black and white Montreal wallpaper mural. Feel the calmness of Mount Royal in Quebec’s dynamic city, enjoying the in-depth effect of this view.

6. A little piece of France

How about bringing a little piece of France into your living room with this beautiful black and white wallpaper mural of Paris. The panoramic view is breathtaking, overlooking the rooftops of the capital and the famous Eiffel Tower.

Textured black and white wallpaper murals

Textured wallpaper murals are the perfect way to imitate the effect of marble, brick, or wood.

7. You’ll be marbled

The black and white marble wallpaper mural guarantees elegance for your room by breaking traditional rules. It will highlight your furniture giving a sense of luxury and contrast to your interior.

8. For a more rustic feel

The white stones wallpaper mural is the ideal choice if you love the look of old walls and stone. It adds texture to a white wall and is a perfect match for a Scandinavian minimalist design.

9. Feel the warmth of the cottage

A wallpaper mural of a wooden barn wall in black and white will help create a warm and cozy look. The monochrome makes the wood design feel modern and will nicely match any interior without dramatically changing the atmosphere.

Choose monochrome with Muralunique

If you want to add a monochrome touch to your home, Muralunique offers a wide selection of contemporary wallpaper murals. Made from eco-friendly polyester and wood pulp, our products are plastic-free and pre-pasted with water-based glue, making them environmentally friendly and biodegradable. They can be easily removed and reused without damaging the walls. Contact us for more information. Our customer service team will be happy to help you and answer all your questions.

Wallpaper vs Paint: Which is Best For Your Wall?

Papier peint ou peinture

Wallpaper and paint can add a pop of colour, freshness and style to any of your rooms.

Choosing one over the other is hard, as they are both excellent options.

The article will cover different factors to consider when making your choice, as well as the pros and cons of choosing between wallpaper and paint.

Wallpaper or paint: factors to consider

You should consider certain factors when designing your interior that can help you choose between wallpaper or paint for your wall covering.


The time required for a wall preparation is critical when you decide to paint or wallpaper it. When walls are bare, without any finish on them, preparation will be much quicker.

On a wall already painted or wallpapered, the application of wallpaper or paint requires preparation. Removing the existing wallpaper can be time-consuming, but will make the job easier later on.

In case of imperfections on the wall, the application of a primer creates an even and adherent surface. Please note that latex primer is not suitable for wallpapers. There are several options available to you:

  • Apply a coat of latex primer followed by a coat of semi-gloss latex. Dry time is 21 days.
  • Apply a coat of latex primer followed by a coat of oil-based primer and dry for 3 days. Make sure not to use odorless primers.
  • If you are short of time, apply one coat of Zinsser BIN Shellac Sealer to dry for one hour.

How hard it is to apply

Most people think that wallpaper takes a longer time to install compared to paint. But they ignore the fact that paint usually requires more than one coat to be applied for proper results.

In reality, the application of wallpaper or paint takes about the same amount of time. The main difference is the difficulty of installation. Hire professionals for a perfect installation.

Choice, life span and environmental footprint

When it comes to painting, the choices are nearly endless. You can choose paint of any colour or shade. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone who wants plain, glossy or matte walls.

But it’s hard to be unique and creative with paint. Wallpaper textures and patterns not only add a designer touch to your interior but also create a new atmosphere in a room.

The life span of wallpaper or paint generally depends on the room you wish to decorate. The installation of wallpaper in a kitchen or a bathroom is perfectly possible if it is well chosen. For example, vinyl, non-woven, or expanded wallpapers are best for humidity-prone rooms.

Damaged walls are difficult to paint and the paint may peel off quickly after a while. Other than that, paint and wallpaper are durable, lasting for up to 10 years or even 15 years for some wallpapers.

It is also difficult to compare the ecological footprint of wallpaper and paint. There is no predefined standard on environmental impact.  Each wallpaper and paint is unique and comes with a label that indicates its environmental footprint.


The starting prices across these two materials give the favor to paint. It generally costs less than wallpaper, but the price can go up easily depending on the type, finish, and brand you choose. Brushes, paint trays, rollers, and other floor and furniture protection costs present an additional expense that can add up significantly to the final price.

Basic wallpaper is more expensive. But wallpaper lasts longer – which reduces the cost of future investments.

The advantages of wallpaper or paint

You can make your choice by assessing the specific characteristics of wallpaper and paint. Let’s see their main advantages and disadvantages.

Wallpaper advantages:

Muralunique’s wallpaper murals stand out for their paper quality, produced from eco-friendly crops from Northern Europe’s boreal forests. Made from a mixture of fine wood pulp and polyester fibre for increased resistance, our wallpaper murals do not contain any plastic material. This makes them not only eco-friendly but also biodegradable.

Paint advantages:

  • Wide choice of colors and shades
  • All-surface application (walls and furniture)
  • The finish adapts to any room of the house (matte, satin, velvety)
  • Wall protection and sanitation
  • Easy-color change

The disadvantages of wallpaper or paint

Wallpaper drawbacks:

  • More expensive than paint
  • Requires special attention when it comes to damp rooms

Paint drawbacks:

  • Requires patience and attention to details and finishing touches to achieve a good result
  • Requires extensive wall preparation
  • Multiple coats are required (from 2 to 4) depending on the color chosen for an aesthetic result
  • Long drying time

Wallpaper or paint: Choose Muralunique for expert advice

Choosing between wallpaper or paint depends mainly on your budget, room type, and your preferences. By evaluating the pros and cons of each, you decide on the best wall covering for your space.

You can also think about choosing custom wallpaper murals instead of traditional wallpaper. This ensures that you choose a high-quality, durable and environmentally friendly product. Our wallpaper mural experts are available to answer all your questions and help you with your project. Contact us today to discuss your wall decor projects.

10 Cottagecore Wallpaper Mural Ideas

Cottagecore is an aesthetic that idealizes rural life and expresses nostalgia for a simpler time. It incorporates lifestyle choices and activities that are sustainable and more in tune with nature. Popularized among the younger generations on social media platforms such as Tumblr, Instagram and TikTok, the trend pushes back against the intense industrialization and capitalism of the modern day.

In some ways, cottagecore echoes Victorian Romanticism, a movement of artists, poets and intellectuals who yearned for a return to rustic life against the backdrop of the Industrial Revolution.

If you find yourself drawn to cottagecore, why not integrate it into your décor? Read on for examples of beautiful wallpaper murals you can use to give your home a warm, timeless feel.

Florals and foliage


Pictured: Bouquet of Roses

Florals and foliage are quintessential aspects of cottagecore. The aesthetic emphasizes the beauty of nature and involves everything from gardens and bouquets of fresh roses to pressed wildflowers and daisy chains. Bring cottagecore into your home with this beautifully-detailed, blush-pink bouquet.

Floral print

Pictured: Pink Flowers with Canvas Texture

As its name suggests, cottagecore includes aesthetic features you would expect to find in a cottage. This includes plenty of woodwork, plaid, lace and lovely floral patterns like the one in the wallpaper mural pictured above.

Rustic landscapes

The English countryside

Pictured: English Countryside

Cottagecore takes its inspiration from the idyllic English countryside, with its rolling green hills, quaint cottages and fields of flowers. If you want to bring the tranquility of rural Britain into your home, why not opt for stunning nature and landscape murals like this one?

A country lane

Pictured: Country Road

Cottagecore stems in part from a desire to escape the hectic nature of modern life, with its technology, commercialism and deadlines. With this wall art, you can imagine yourself climbing into a horse-drawn carriage and travelling back to a simpler time along this picturesque country lane. The trompe l’oeil mural creates a depth effect that will make any room you place it in feel more spacious.


Pictured: Country Fence

Cottagecore is also sometimes called farmcore. It romanticizes the agricultural lifestyle, and popular activities include cultivating plants and raising livestock. This pastoral scene of an overgrown paddock fence is a perfect mural for anyone looking to infuse an agricultural aesthetic into their home.

Other aspects of cottagecore


Picture: Herd of Running Horses

As an integral aspect of nature and farming, animals are also part of the cottagecore aesthetic. The creatures depicted in cottagecore imagery are usually either domesticated, such as cats, sheep and horses, or animals that are commonly found in fields and forests, such as butterflies and mice.

If you love animals, consider putting up this free-spirited mural of horses cantering through a fragrant meadow.

Timber panels

Pictured: Barn Wall

Do you sometimes find yourself wishing you lived in a log cabin in the woods? Recreate that rustic aesthetic easily with a pre-pasted wallpaper mural that imitates the rugged, natural look of rough-hewn timber panels. The highly-realistic image faithfully replicates every knot and whorl in the wood for a little slice of country life in the middle of the city!

Food and drink

Pictured: Wine Cellar Chianti Region

Cottagecore includes activities such as baking your own bread and brewing homemade alcohol. Making food and drink from scratch became particularly popular during the pandemic, when many people were stuck in lockdown with more time on their hands.

If you are less passionate about images of nature but still want to give your home that signature rustic feel, why not opt for this old-fashioned wine cellar wallpaper mural?

Inspiration from books and movies

Harry Potter

Pictured: Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scotland

This mural depicts the Glenfinnan Viaduct in Scotland, which was featured in several of the Harry Potter movies. Harry Potter may not be cottagecore, but the trend has some of the same qualities of idealism and escapism as the fantasy genre. So hop on the Hogwarts Express and leave the chaos of the modern day behind with this gorgeous image of the stormy Scottish Highlands!

The Secret Garden

Pictured: Rustic Garden

The Secret Garden is a novel about a troubled young girl who finds solace and new life in a walled garden at her uncle’s manor in the English countryside. Its themes of rejuvenation in nature and appreciation of the simpler things in life are echoed in cottagecore. Give your home its very own secret garden with this lovely wallpaper mural.

Cottagecore wall art from Muralunique

Cottagecore is an aesthetic that hearkens back to a simpler time. The idealized depiction of rural life expresses a deep-seated desire for a closer connection to nature and a rejection of the trappings of modern mass-consumerism.

If you want to integrate the cottagecore aesthetic into your home, Muralunique offers a wide selection of stunning, highly-realistic wallpaper murals. Our murals are made of polyester and wood pulp sourced from eco-responsible culture. They are plastic-free and pre-pasted with a water-based glue, making them eco-friendly and biodegradable. They can also be easily removed and reused without damaging the walls.

Visit our online store today to pick out your very own wallpaper mural, or contact us for more information. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you.

6 Home Gym Wall Mural Ideas

Snowboard 7.5' x 8' (2,29m x 2,44m)

Often, exercise can feel like a chore. Particularly if you’re working out at home without a schedule to stick to or a gym buddy to keep you on track, it’s all too easy to let physical activity fall by the wayside.

How do you motivate yourself? How do you keep your time on the treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike from feeling boring and repetitive?

A common answer is music and audiobooks, but have you ever considered enhancing your workout space? Why stare at a blank stretch of wall when you can decorate your home gym to suit your personality and workout preferences?

Check out our selection of stunning wallpaper murals below for inspiration!

Sports murals

Sometimes, going to the gym can spur us to greater heights because we’re surrounded by people working just as hard as we are. If you’re inspired by the physical achievements of those around you, consider one of our motivational sports murals!

Slam dunk

Make your exercise routine a slam dunk with this incredible action shot. Whether or not you’re a basketball fan, there’s something about that flight through the air towards the swish of a hoop that makes you feel like you can do anything. Take heart from this inspirational image and let it galvanize you to go the distance!

Race to the finish line

If you’ve got a competitive streak, why not transport yourself to the illustrious Tour de France bike race? Hop on your stationary bike, put your pedals to the metal and take that momentum all the way to the finish line!

Water murals

For some, the best way to muscle through a workout is to pretend that they’re somewhere else entirely. Make your workout routine a mini vacation with our beautiful water murals!

Mountainous vista

Village of Hallstatt in the Austrian Alps 12' x 8' (3,66m x 2,44m)

Whisk yourself away to the picturesque village of Hallstatt, surrounded by still waters and towering mountains. Imagine every step you take on the treadmill or elliptical bringing you closer to the summit. Let this breathtaking view of the Austrian Alps help you reach peak performance!

Peaceful pool

Empty interior background, living room with beige wall, three lamps and window with curtain 3d rendering

If you would rather be out in nature but get forced inside every year by brutal North American winters, a little greenery in your workout space might be exactly what you need. Let this sunny forest pool remind you that the cold and the dark don’t last forever, and motivate you to keep yourself in shape so you can do what you love next summer.

Spiritual murals

For some, workout spaces are about taking care of mental health as well as physical health. Yoga and meditation can be sacred time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life that helps keep you in balance. If you want your home gym to be a place of serenity, consider one of our spiritual murals.

Buddhist tranquility

Thai Buddha 10.5' x 8' (3,20m x 2,44m)

Yoga and meditation have roots in Buddhist practice. Buddhism advocates for a middle way between indulgence and asceticism and encourages compassion and emptying the mind of chaotic thoughts as the way to achieve enlightenment. If these concepts appeal to you, embrace them in your meditation practice with the wisdom of this Thai Buddha mural.

Meditative mandalas

In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, mandalas are visual aids to meditation. They represent the circle of life and the interconnectedness of all living things. Try focusing on the mesmerizing patterns of this mandala mural to help you clear your mind.

Brighten up your workout space with Muralunique

Motivate yourself with inspirational images of athletes surrounding you, distract yourself with beautiful scenery from faraway places, or create a place of peace with spiritual ornamentation. No matter your workout style, Muralunique has home gym wall murals that can help you take your exercise routine to the next level. Our wall decor murals are eco-friendly, easy to install and remove, and made of the highest-quality polyester-reinforced paper. You can choose from our wide selection of prints or create your own custom mural. Get a wall mural for your home gym today!

Can You Use Wallpaper Murals for a Bathroom?

mural wallpaper for bathroom

Bathrooms are often neglected when it comes to décor. They are generally dismissed as purely utilitarian and tend to be overlooked in favour of the rooms where we entertain, sleep and spend most of our time. The high humidity level in bathrooms can make decorating them a challenge, so many people elect to just keep things simple.

You may not think much about the time you spend in the bathroom, but the truth is that it’s an essential part of our daily lives. So why make it a sterile, uninteresting space when you could create your very own little spa-like oasis?

Wallpaper murals are a simple, inexpensive way to revitalize your bathroom. That being said, it’s important to select a good-quality mural in a material that’s made to withstand the challenging conditions in a bathroom. Read on to find out which types of wallpaper murals are best for bathroom use!

Can wallpaper murals withstand the moisture in a bathroom?

If you’ve ever had a long, hot shower and come out to find your mirror completely fogged up, you’ll know just how much moisture can get trapped in the bathroom. In a poorly ventilated bathroom, humidity can cling to the walls and surfaces for hours or even days after. That means that any décor you choose needs to be resistant to moisture and the mould and mildew that can accompany it.

Ventilation can go a long way towards mitigating the moisture in your bathroom. Most modern bathrooms are equipped with an exhaust fan that can vent the hot, humid air to the outside. It’s important to remember to turn the fan on whenever you’re taking a shower. If you have a working window in your bathroom, you can also crack it open to ventilate the room. Finally, try leaving the bathroom door open during and/or after your shower to help the moisture dissipate.

If your bathroom is generally well-ventilated, you can feel free to place wallpaper murals on as many of the walls as you like (except inside the shower)! If not, you can still enjoy a beautiful wallpaper mural—you might just need to stick to one wall.

Which material is best for bathroom wallpaper?

Traditional cellulose-based wallpaper isn’t designed to withstand the amount of moisture generated by showers, baths and other bathroom fixtures. Over time, the humidity can seep through, weakening the adhesive and causing the paper to curl. Moisture can also get trapped behind traditional wallpaper, creating an ideal environment for mould growth.


Vinyl is the most commonly recommended material for bathroom wallpaper murals, because it is water-resistant and can be wiped down easily. However, the adhesive used for vinyl wallpaper murals becomes permanent after a year. That means that it can’t be reused and will damage the wall if you try to take it off.

Vinyl’s durability becomes a liability when it comes to disposal. Vinyl is nearly impossible to recycle and is not biodegradable, meaning that it will end up sitting in a landfill for years after it has outlived its usefulness.

Reinforced paper

Muralunique’s wallpaper base is made of wood pulp reinforced with polyester fibre for added strength and durability. It’s as robust as any vinyl of similar thickness on the market, but doesn’t contain any plastic, making it biodegradable and eco-friendly. Our wallpaper murals are designed to be removed and reused easily, which further reduces waste and protects the integrity of your bathroom walls.

Unlike traditional wallpaper, Muralunique’s murals are washable with mild soap. They also absorb and release moisture, which makes them resistant to mould, mildew and bacteria. These features make them great options for bathroom use.

Ideas and options for bathroom wallpaper murals

Muralunique murals can be used anywhere in the bathroom except inside the shower. They are moisture-resistant enough to withstand splash-prone areas like the bathtub and sink.

Like the idea of using wall decor murals to beautify your bathroom, but need a little inspiration? Check out a few of our designs below.

Water and beaches

Seasonal blues getting you down? If you can’t make it down south this year, why not bring a bit of the beach to you with one of our exotic ocean wallpaper murals? Pour yourself a piña colada, relax, and enjoy your very own little slice of paradise!

Floral and foliage

Feeling stressed these days? Plant life and the colour green have been shown to help create a calming environment. With our flowers and foliage wallpaper murals , you can create an oasis of greenery in the middle of the city to help you decompress.

Nature and landscapes

No need to travel to a Nordic spa or a rustic cabin in the forest when our landscape wallpaper murals can bring the peace and tranquility of nature right into your home! We use images up to 1,500 megapixels and laser print them for a realistic, immersive experience.

Upgrade your bathroom décor with Muralunique

Wallpaper murals are a fun, versatile way to infuse some of your personality into your bathroom. They are quite cost-effective compared to other types of bathroom wall coverings, and the results can be truly stunning. As long as you have good ventilation and invest in a high-quality, moisture-resistant mural, there’s no reason why you can’t place it in your bathroom and enjoy it for years to come!

Muralunique’s durable, mildew-resistant wallpaper murals are perfect for bathroom use. Washable, reusable, and available in a wide variety of styles, these eco-friendly murals can be purchased online and delivered right to your door. Just follow our step-by-step installation instructions or hire our professional installation service, available in cities and regions across Canada. Personalize your bathroom today!

What is the Best Background for Video Conferencing?

video conference background

Do you feel as if you’ve spent most of the past year on one long video call? You’re not alone.

Video calls are now an integral part of our professional lives. You can connect with employees and clients worldwide at the click of a button!

With these new technologies come new opportunities for creativity. Are you preparing your office for the return of in-person employees? Or perhaps you’ve accepted that your “home office” is now your actual office.

Either way, you need your professional persona to shine through now more than ever.

One great—and fun!—way to do this is by using a personalized background for your video conferences.

But how exactly should you go about choosing and setting up this backdrop? Below we’ll go over our top tips and give you a list of background ideas for your next video call! 

 Setting the scene

When choosing the right video conference backdrop, it’s important to keep a few basic lighting and design concepts in mind. Of course, no one expects you to have award-winning cinematography skills.

But we’ve compiled a few quick tips that go a long way to making you seem professional and polished.

Tip 1: Lighting

Whether you’re at home or in the office boardroom, you should try to choose a space with a lot of natural light. Harsh, overhead lighting can be unflattering and even highlight dark circles under your eyes.

That said, you want the window to be in front of you, so that the light hits your face. If the window is behind you, it will wash you out and distract your interlocutor.

If you don’t have many windows at your disposal, lamps are a fine alternative. Just make sure that you also place them behind your camera.

Tip 2: Desk and camera position

To actually show off your gorgeous backdrop, there should be about 1 to 2.5 metres of space between the back of your chair and the background wall. Place your desk accordingly.

Of course, the farther away you are from the wall, the more its full scope will be visible in the video conference call.

This is where proper camera position comes into play. If you’re at home and don’t want your colleagues or clients to see the pile-up of papers, you can artfully angle your camera to crop distractions out.

Otherwise, you should always position your camera either at eye level or slightly above. Eye level is the most natural placement, but slightly above can create a slimming effect. Either way, only your head and upper body should be in the frame. Use books and props under your camera as necessary.

Tip 3: The right background

Now that you’ve got the basics covered, you can think more about the background itself! Some video conferencing platforms allow you to use digital backgrounds for your calls. These can be fun in theory, but they are often glitchy and distracting, which may come across as unprofessional.

Your best bet is to use your actual surroundings! You can stress a lot less if you know that your office space is camera-ready. Professionally done wall murals are a unique and sophisticated option for video conference backgrounds. Plus, the options are pretty much endless!

If you’re having trouble deciding exactly what image you want to convey to your clients and colleagues, keep reading.

Background types

You’ve probably heard that neutral, understated tones are best for backgrounds. While grey backdrops are certainly a solid option, you shouldn’t be afraid to mix it up a bit.

Of course, your choice of background colour and design will depend on your company’s brand identity. Above all, your environment should be coherent with the image you want to project.

To get your creative wheels turning, we’ve come up with a few background theme ideas:

Theme 1: Wanderlust

Let’s face it: none of us have been travelling much this year. So why not transform your office itself into a postcard-worthy city?

Picture yourself roaming the cobble-stoned streets of Sicily or getting lost in the hustle and bustle of New York.

Travel-based backdrops are perfect for video conferences because of their ability to enchant and inspire. Of course, these designs are busier than monochrome ones, so you may want to balance out the hectic images with soft lighting and minimal décor.

Theme 2: Nature

Did you know that science proves that spending time outside makes us happier? That said, it can be hard to feel one with the mountains, streams and forests when you spend all day at your desk.

Though you can actually get Wifi on top of Mount Everest, something tells us that might be a bit too remote for remote working.

In the meantime, get your daily dose of natural beauty by choosing a serene landscape. It’s hard to feel anxious about your next performance review when you’ve got the waterfalls of Thailand behind you.

Do you want your next video call to absorb the beauty of a forest without the distracting birdsong? Opt for a stunning and peaceful forest backdrop.

Theme 3: Texture

Depending on your company’s particular brand or culture, you might want a more understated look for your video conference calls.

That said, white walls make a pretty uninspiring backdrop. Textured murals are a great option if you want your video call background to be both dynamic and sophisticated.

Weather-worn concrete walls and chic soapstone are great options for industrial office backdrops.

If you want to infuse a bit of rustic charm into your space, consider a statement brick or barn wood wall.

Theme 4: Abstract

Does your industry place a premium on being trendy and cutting-edge? Then your video backgrounds should reflect that! Abstract designs are another great alternative to photo backgrounds.

Want to cultivate a sleek, contemporary atmosphere? Monochromatic cube murals and wave murals are great options.

If you want to channel a 1970s vibe, a retro design will give your video call a bold, nostalgic feel.

Find your perfect video conference backdrop at Muralunique!

Long gone are the days when you could treat video call backgrounds as an afterthought. You can—and should!—use your video backdrops to stand out…and for the right reasons!

At Muralunique, we can help you find the perfect backdrop for your commercial and industrial needs. Our expert designers and artists will use their eagle eye to find the right mural for you.

Even better: you also have the option of designing and ordering a custom mural for your space! Whether you’re looking to renovate your office or liven up your home space, contact us today!

5 decorative murals for an industrial interior design


Have you always dreamed of living in a big loft like in the movies? Why not recreate this space in your home with an industrial interior design?

The industrial style is increasingly popular in interior design. This style can create a living space that is modern and warm at the same time.

Interested in this style? Here are 5 decorative wallpaper murals to create this style in your home!

1. A mural with neutral colours to complement your industrial interior design

One of the basics of industrial interior design is plain and neutral colours. Shades of brown, beige, grey, black and white should therefore be prioritized.

Choosing a decorative mural with this wide range of colours is an excellent idea to complement an industrial style.

For example, not only is this black and white mural of the Brooklyn Bridge beautiful, but it also does not limit your decor. It blends perfectly with the more neutral colours of the industrial style and also gives you the option of including some more colourful accents.

2. A hint of texture on the walls to contrast with your furniture

Another typical feature of industrial interior design is the mixture and contrast of textures.

A good example of this would be choosing to place a modern black leather chair in front of a red brick wall. The contrast of a textured wall and a simple fabric creates an elegant effect.

To recreate this effect at home, you could choose this old brick wall mural. This mural offers an interesting texture as well as an ideal colour palette for an industrial style.


3. A decorative mural that creates an open space

When we think of an industrial space, we often think of it as a large open space, like a loft. However, it may not be possible to have an open space in your house or apartment.

A wallpaper mural that gives the illusion of a more open space may be a good option. As an example, choose an image of an urban landscape, such as this mural of the famous “Lunch Time” picture. A mural like this can add a lot of perspective to a room and give it a sense of dimension.


4. Wood, one of the preferred materials for industrial interior design

The combination of industrial and rustic decor elements is an increasingly popular trend. It is therefore not uncommon to see a wooden furniture arrangement in an industrial setting.

Wood can also be used as a wall covering in an industrial interior. This barn wall mural pairs perfectly with modest furniture by adding an interesting texture to your wall.


5. Perfect industrial interior design with a concrete wall mural

While a wooden wall is a great option for industrial interior design, a concrete wall can also create the effect you are looking for.

In fact, a decorative concrete wall mural makes it possible to opt for more eclectic furniture and decor. The simplicity of a concrete wall is an excellent canvas for more textured and colourful decorative elements, such as a carpet or a velvet sofa.


Create the perfect industrial style with Muralunique

In short, a classic industrial decor consists of neutral and simple colours, contrasting textures and combinations of materials such as concrete and wood.

At Muralunique, you will find a very large selection of wallpaper murals to create the perfect industrial interior design.

Visit our online store now to browse through our various decorative murals.

5 landscape murals to create a more open space


Is your home missing depth and dimension?

Installing a decorative nature mural in your home may be the perfect solution to create the illusion of a more open space and bring more dimension to it.

Here are 5 landscape murals that will completely transform the look of the rooms in your home!

1. A breathtaking view of the mountains of Russia

Is there a more open space than a mountaintop’s panoramic view?

This mural of Deer’s Stream Park in Russia offers a breathtaking view of a magnificent mountainous landscape. This image’s depth will certainly enlarge any room while providing a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

2. Admire the waterfalls of Reunion Island

Would you like to highlight the high ceilings of your condo or apartment? A mural of the waterfalls at Reunion Island could be a good option to consider for your interior decor.

With its vertical lines, this mural will create an illusion of height on the wall you install it on. This illusion will be even more powerful if the wall is facing a window.

3. The depth of a birch forest

Our birch tree forest mural is also an excellent choice to enlarge an interior space.

This mural’s contrasting colours and textures create an impression of infinite perspective that adds a lot of depth to a room.

In addition, like the previous mural, the predominance of vertical lines in this image adds height to a space.

4. Bring the light of an enchanted forest into your home

Another landscape mural that creates a more open space is our “Song of the Forest” mural.

Not only is this magnificent image of an enchanted forest very detailed, but its photo composition is also very appealing.

This mural’s colour contrasts and light effects create a beautiful perspective effect that gives the impression that you are standing in a forest. 

5. A provincial park in your living room

If you want to cover a bigger wall, our mural of Silver Falls State Park in Oregon is the best option for you. This mural offers a breathtaking view of the forest, mountains and waterfalls of western United States.

The perspective in this image is almost unmatched. Each element of the photo brings the gaze back to the center of the picture, amplifying the effect of depth to create a more open space.

Incorporate a landscape into your decor to create spaciousness

You may have noticed that nature and landscape murals can really help you create more open spaces in your home.

Whether you want to give more height or depth to a room, our decorative murals will help you create the effect you are looking for.

Visit our online store to see our full selection of nature and landscape murals!

How to increase the motivation of your employees with office murals


Are you a business owner looking for creative ways to motivate your employees and increase their productivity?

Why not incorporate office murals into your decor? Wallpaper murals can have many positive benefits in the workplace.

In this article, find out how murals can help you increase your employees’ motivation!

An office mural helps strengthen your brand image

Your company’s brand image is key to making you known and recognized in your field but is just as important for creating a sense of belonging within your company.

Promote your values to create a sense of pride

A custom wall mural that highlights your corporate values and vision reminds your team of the foundations of their work. Your employees develop a sense of belonging to the company, which helps develop greater cohesion within your team. An office mural can even inspire your workers to motivate each other.

Create a decorative mural that tells your story

Another idea would be to design a mural that illustrates the history of your company. This will give your employees a more tangible way to see how your company has grown and how their work contributes to the continued growth of your company.

Use different colors to define the function of each space in your office

Are you familiar with the concept of color psychology? The idea is that human beings associate each color with certain feelings or emotions. This makes it important to determine which colors would be appropriate to use when decorating a meeting room, staff room or open area.

Here are some examples of colors and their significance at a psychological level:

Yellow: the color of happiness and hope

For many people, yellow evokes positive emotions, such as happiness and hope. This color is warm and energizing. A mural with shades of yellow is a great way to help stimulate your employees’ creativity and inspire them.

Green: the color of reason and harmony

Green is a soothing color that is associated with relaxation, reason and harmony. A mural of this color can help your employees feel less stressed and motivate them at work.

Blue: the color of clarity and discipline

Blue is a color that evokes calm, clarity and discipline. This color can help your employees concentrate when they have to accomplish a task that requires careful attention.

Wallpaper murals: much more than a simple decoration

In short, besides being a unique decorative element, wallpaper murals are very useful for motivating your employees in the workplace. The content of the mural as well as its colors can greatly help create a sense of pride and productivity within your team.

Visit our website to learn more about our commercial service for businesses, or simply to discover our vast selection of wall decor murals!

Accent Wall Murals: 10 Ideas for Your Home


An accent wall is one wall in a room that has a different colour or design than the rest of the room. Its purpose is to add decorative flair to a room that would otherwise be plain and unassuming. It’s the perfect way to add personality and creativity to your space without it being overwhelming.

A perfect blend of wallpaper and art, wallpaper murals are one of the simplest and most stunning ways to create accent walls in your home. Available in an incredible variety of patterns and styles, they come pre-pasted for easy installation and can be removed and reused at will.

Need a little inspiration? Here are a few accent wall mural ideas to get you started.

Textured walls

Have you ever dreamed of having a home with textured walls that evoke a particular aesthetic? Make that dream a reality with textured wallpaper murals.

Wood cabin

Horizontal Old Barn Wood (Brown) 12' x 8' (3,66m x 2,44m)

Pictured: Horizontal Old Barn Wood

No need to build your own log cabin in the woods! Create that cozy, rustic aesthetic with a wood panel wallpaper mural—the perfect atmosphere for curling up by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book.

Brick wall

 Pictured: Not Just Another Brick on the Wall

The industrial aesthetic has been popular since the late 2000s. Incorporating exposed brick and metal beams, this design style originated with historic commercial buildings and factories being converted into apartments, lofts, art galleries and event spaces. Add some chic industrial style to your living space without the mess of actual exposed brick by installing a brick accent wall mural.

Timeless wallpaper styles

If you prefer a more old-fashioned, elegant style, you might want to create an accent wall with design elements that mimic those often used in traditional wallpaper.


Damask 6' x 9' (1,83m x 2,75m)

Pictured: Damask

Damask is a timeless design inspired by a type of woven cloth that dates back to medieval times. The complexity of the jacquard patterns made it a luxury fabric coveted by royal families and nobility. If you want your space to exude elegance and grandeur, opt for a damask accent wall mural.


Pictured: Floral Pattern Toile de Jouy

Florals and foliage have been popular wallpaper patterns for centuries. Flowers have featured heavily in home décor all the way from the Rococo and Victorian eras to the modern cottagecore style. If you want to give your home a classic feel and a pop of colour, a floral accent wall may be just the ticket!

Accent wall mural options for kids

Accent wall murals are a great way to make a child’s room colourful and fun. Children’s wallpaper murals can help kids learn and fuel their imaginations.

Educational map

Kids World (French Version) 10.5' x 8' (3,20m x 2,44m)

Pictured: Kids World

This educational map teaches kids about the world with illustrations depicting animals, activities and traditional garb common to each region. A great option for an inquisitive elementary schooler, it provides an opportunity to discuss different cultures and traditions.


Deep in Space 13.5' x 8' (4,11m x 2,44m)

Pictured: Deep in Space

Accent wall murals are a great way to encourage a child’s interests. If your child is fascinated by space, why not get them a wall mural that depicts the wonders of our solar system? Stick some glow in the dark stars to the ceiling for added effect, and at night, your little astronaut can drift off to sleep dreaming of space travel.


For those who are a little nomadic at heart and love to travel more than anything, the recent travel restrictions have been particularly tough. Until it’s safe to voyage again, bring the wonders of the world to you with stunningly realistic wallpaper murals!

<H3> Machu Picchu

Pictured: Machu Picchu

Feel like you’re on top of the world with this spectacular aerial view of Machu Picchu. Not only is the vista incredibly beautiful, but a wallpaper mural featuring such wide open space can make a small room feel much more spacious.


Colors of Santorini 12' x 8' (3,66m x 2,44m)

Pictured: Colors of Santorini

Brighten up any room with the vibrant colours of Santorini. Leave winter behind and transport yourself to this sun-baked paradise by the sea. No need to battle through droves of tourists when you can enjoy the view from the comfort of your own home!


If you want to bring peace and tranquility into your home, there are visual aspects of oriental spirituality that can encourage meditation and quiet reflection.


Pictured: Constellation of Mandalas

In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, mandalas are visual aids to meditation. They represent the circle of life and the interconnectedness of all living things. Focusing on the intricate, mesmerizing patterns can help you clear your mind of intrusive thoughts. If you’re thinking of creating a space for yoga or meditation, a mandala accent wall mural is a great way to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Zen garden

Pictured: Zen Sand Garden

Zen gardens are unusual in that they don’t generally contain any plants. Instead, they feature stones and sand arrayed in distinctive patterns that are meant to convey a sense of simplicity, emptiness and peace. The concept originated with Buddhist monks in Japan, who wanted places to meditate that were free of distractions. If you want a space that will help you calm your mind but don’t have room for a full-sized zen garden, an accent wall mural is the perfect solution!

Amazing accent wall murals available at Muralunique!

An accent wall mural is a statement piece that can really add flair to a room’s décor. With the sheer variety of murals available, you are sure to find something that suits your tastes! Muralunique has a wide selection of beautiful, high-quality wallpaper murals that you can use to create an accent wall. Our reinforced paper murals are eco-responsible, biodegradable, and can be removed and reused easily without damaging the wall. Visit our online store today to find your ideal wallpaper mural!

5 mural ideas to decorate your apartment walls


Does your apartment lack character? Would you like to personalize it without going through extensive renovations? Installing a decorative mural may just be the solution for you!

Here are 5 mural ideas to decorate and spruce up your apartment walls.

1. Admire the New York City skyline from the comfort of your home

Have you always dreamt of living in the Big Apple? You will definitely enjoy this mural of the Brooklyn Bridge at night while waiting for your dream to come true.

Installing this mural in your apartment will let you admire the beauty of the Manhattan skyline and the famous Brooklyn Bridge day and night. It’s a great way to make your wall into a real window to the world!

2. Enjoy the beauty of nature without leaving the city

If you are a nature lover, you may feel out of your element when looking at your plain and beige apartment walls. Why not personalize your rooms with a decorative natural landscape mural?

For example, the “Coniferous Trees in the Fog” mural  will certainly bring some tranquility to your home.

3. A mural to turn your apartment into a loft

Who hasn’t dreamt of living in a big loft with huge windows and an exposed brick wall, just like in the movies? An old brick wall mural will give your apartment a New York loft vibe.

A brick wall also offers great versatility for your apartment decor. Whether you prefer a rustic look or industrial style decor, this mural is perfect for you

4. A masterpiece in your living room

If you are a lover of fine art, your apartment is probably decorated with posters of paintings and famous pieces. Why not take down these illustrations and turn one of your walls into a real work of art?

For example, a mural of the Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece, is the perfect way to transform your apartment into a mini museum.

5. Turn your own artwork into decorative murals

Are you an artist? Have you ever thought of making a mural from your own pieces or pictures? You can create your own custom mural from your work.

In addition, these murals are pre-pasted and reusable, so you can decorate the walls of your apartment even if you move!

A one of a kind apartment with Muralunique

These were 5 ideas of decorative murals to liven up your apartment walls. On top of making your home beautiful, decorative murals are easy to install, remove and reuse.

Feeling inspired? Visit our website to see our wall decor murals by categories and find the right one for you!

The 5 best educational murals for children


In need of inspiration to redecorate your child’s room?

Why not brighten up the room with a mural that is both decorative and educational? There are many murals designed to appeal to young people and have an educational purpose.

To give you some decor inspiration, here are the 5 best educational murals for kids.

1. Learning the alphabet with a decorative mural

The alphabet is one of the first things your child will learn in school. Why not help them remember the different letters with an educational mural in their room?

The “Alphabet” mural by artist Ruth Baker depicts all letters of the alphabet accompanied by a corresponding image. For example, the letter “A” represents an alligator, the letter “B” represents a baby, and so on. This mnemonic tool will help your child learn the ABCs in no time!

2. Discovering jungle animals from your own room

Is your child fascinated by jungle animals? Then they will love the “Jungle” mural by Birgit Schultz!

This mural depicts all the jungle animals in their natural habitat. Your child can imagine stories and adventures in the jungle when looking at it. They may even discover animals or insects they didn’t know before!

3. Broaden your horizons with the “Kids World” educational mural

The best way to broaden your child’s horizons is to teach them about the habits and customs of other cultures. This is exactly the educational goal of Johanne Pépin’s “Kids World” mural.

This giant world map depicts each country with illustrations of traditional dress, indigenous people, important monuments, national animals, and more. Your child will spend hours admiring the different cultures of the world on this magnificent mural!

4. Encourage reading with the “Library” mural

Is your child always reading? Nurture their passion with the “Bookcase” mural by artist Annie Giroux.

This colourful and stimulating mural is the perfect decorative element for young bookworms. In addition to illustrating a host of “living” books that do all kinds of activities, this educational mural also depicts objects related to science, geography, sports, and much more.

5. Develop your child’s imagination with a fantasy mural

Bedtime stories are treasured moments for children and parents alike. This was Ruth Baker’s inspiration for her  “Story Time” mural.

Highlighting a dozen of classic tales such as “Cinderella,” “Humpty Dumpty,” “Jack and the Beanstalk” and “Rapunzel,” this mural is perfect to stimulate the imagination of young children.

Why not develop it further by inventing your own stories with these images? Your child will always look forward to bedtime with this mural!

Educational murals: the perfect decor for a child’s room

There you have our selection of the 5 best educational murals for children. We hope that this list has inspired you and given you good ideas for decorating your child’s room!

Muralunique also has a variety of other murals specifically designed for children’s rooms. Visit our website to discover all our children’s murals.

Why decorate your waiting room with a mural?

Is your company’s waiting room beige and boring? Are you looking for creative ways of offering your clients or patients a peaceful atmosphere?

Here is why choosing a mural as waiting room decor could be a good option for you!

Maximize your company’s visual impact with a decorative mural

Interior design of commercial, industrial and professional spaces has become an indispensable marketing tool in the last few years for multiple reasons.

The popularity of social media networks such as Instagram has encouraged companies to optimize the visual impact of their branding to stand out from the competition. Some companies have even seen an increase in profits after revisiting the design and aesthetic of their space.

With this in mind, using a mural as waiting room decor can change how people perceive your company. From the moment they walk in, your clients or patients will understand the character and values of your company based on your mural decor.

For example, a nature or landscape mural in the waiting room of a peaceful spa can evoke relaxation and tranquility sought by those who visit this type of establishment. This will help enrich customer experience from beginning to end.

Decorate your waiting room with a mural to create a welcoming atmosphere

On top of reinforcing your visual impact, decorating your waiting room with a mural can also help you create a warmer and more welcoming atmosphere.

While painting your walls can help create a certain atmosphere, a decorative mural brings a room to a whole new level and makes a space more welcoming by adding depth and texture.

For example, installing an original decorative mural could be a great benefit in the waiting room of a pediatric dentist office, where young patients are sometimes nervous. A jungle or ocean-themed mural can foster a child’s imagination and help calm them right before their appointment.

Murals are easy to clean and facilitate proper hygiene

With good hygiene being more important than ever, your different spaces must be easy to clean and disinfect. This is particularly true in a waiting room, where many people come and go throughout the day.

The murals at Muralunique are made from paper with a moisture and bacteria resistant finish. You can therefore use a mild soap to keep your walls and waiting room clean at all times without worrying about damaging your mural.

Decorating your waiting room with a mural: a wise choice

Decorating your waiting room with a mural is a good way to stand out from the competition, impress your patients or clients and ensure that your work space has impeccable hygiene.

Are you interested in installing a decorative mural in your waiting room? Our graphic designers can give you expert advice on choosing the right on-brand mural for your company. Contact us today to benefit from the expertise of our specialists.

How to make a small room look bigger with a decorative mural

One interior design trend that has persisted in recent years is creating large, open-plan spaces in the home. Open spaces give a sense of scale and usability to a room.

However, these changes are not always possible when you want to enlarge a space. Nevertheless, there are other ways to make a small room look bigger, such as by installing a decorative mural.

In this article, find out how a decorative mural can help you visually enlarge your small rooms.

Find the right wall for your decorative mural

If you want to successfully enlarge your room with a decorative mural, you will first have to determine which wall to install it on depending on the room. The wall you choose will have a big impact on the illusory effect of the mural.

For example, if you want to enlarge your living room, you should install the decorative mural on the wall that receives the most light to amplify the depth effect. And if you want to make your bedroom look bigger, install your mural on the wall where your headboard is placed. Finally, the back wall facing the entrance to the room is the best choice for the kitchen.

Choose a mural that contrasts with the other walls

Another tip that will help you create a sense of grandeur in your small spaces is choosing a mural with shades and colours that contrast with the surrounding walls.

This can be done by choosing a mural with lighter colours and installing it on the largest wall in the room. For other walls, choose a darker paint colour that complements the mural.

Alternatively, you could do the reverse and apply a darker decorative mural in one area and then apply a lighter shade to the adjacent walls. This will create a unique sense of perspective in your small room!

Choose murals with a pattern that gives an impression of grandeur

One last tip to make your small room look bigger with a decorative mural is to choose a design that gives an impression of grandeur. Similar to clothing, horizontal and vertical patterns have a big impact on the look of a room.

If your ceilings are fairly low, a wallpaper mural with abstract or geometric patterns could make your room look taller.

Otherwise, if you want to create the illusion of a wider room, go for a mural with a horizontal pattern.

Transform the look of your small room with decorative murals

There are many ways to enlarge a small room with a decorative mural. Now that you have these few tips in hand, it’s up to you to transform the rooms in your home into a real work of art!

Do you want more advice on choosing a decorative mural and how to install it? Simply contact us and we will be happy to help you!

Trends for Walls: the New Floral Wallpaper Generation

This year, following the “vegetal” trend, flowers are here! If you are looking for ideas to decorate your walls on the Internet, decoration magazines, or if you are looking to hire the services of an interior decorator, the trend is clear: flowers are in the forefront. More specifically, the trend is towards larger flowers such as peonies, roses, dandelions, dahlias, carnations and much more!

The floral trend

Whether it is to decorate a hallway, living room, bedroom, dining room or even for a bathroom; you will find stylish, chic and trendy flower wallpapers. Nothing to do with the dull and repetitive wallpaper from the 70s found on the four walls of a room.

To give more of an impact to your wallpaper, I recommend that you apply it on a single wall section, no matter which type of room. In a bedroom, the wallpaper can be astonishing as a headboard wall. It is also perfect for decorating a hallway behind a console. In a living room, the ideal wall is the one behind the sofa, to enhance it. No matter which room, floral wallpaper easily adapts to any environment. Whether you are looking for delicate patterns in discreet colors or bold patterns in vibrant colors, you will find a mural or wallpaper that you will enjoy.

What is the difference between a floral wallpaper and a floral mural?

It’s not always easy to differentiate between both options. The classic floral wallpaper is bought in rolls, so it has repeating patterns on each width. Depending on the size of your wall, you will know how many rolls you should buy. If you choose a quality wallpaper, it is usually easy to install and remove. Again, nothing to do with wallpaper from the 70s which was impossible to remove!

The mural, on the other hand is a little different. It has a unique pattern, therefore a pattern that does not repeat from one width to another. It is available in different materials (paper or vinyl). I recommend without hesitation the mural printed on wallpaper. It will be easy to install and easy to remove (if you choose a quality wallpaper of course). Self-adhesive vinyl is more difficult to install and will most certainly damage your walls in the long term.

Whether you choose a classic floral wallpaper or a flower wallpaper mural, a multitude of choices are available to you. Personally, I love inviting nature to your walls by choosing flowers, nature landscapes or foliage. Here are my 2 favorites from Muralunique, a company that prints murals in excellent quality wallpaper.

Bouquet of Roses and Peonies – A bold choice to create a chic and elegant trendy decor



Paper Flowers -A more discreet but extremely versatile trendy design

 I love working with wallpaper murals, they transform your interior in the blink of an eye. An excellent option for a personalized, trendy, chic and daring decor. Good decoration to all!

Marie-Hélène Tremblay: Blogger, decorator and passionate about decoration J

Decorating ideas for children’s room: the jungle theme

The jungle is a very popular theme for children’s rooms, so it is very easy to find decorative items, bedding, stuffed animals or wallpaper that fits with this theme. In addition, deep shades of greens and blues are trending colors for 2020. Also, punch and audacity are the order of the day this year. Classic monochromatic decorations in white, beige or light grey are gone and… it must be said, boring. Here are some suggestions to create a lively, stimulating and original decor for your little ones!

1. On the ground 

Obviously, the idea here is not to redo the floors, on the contrary. It’s more about highlighting them. Area rugs are an excellent option and whether they are round, square, or rectangular, they have this quality to make a room warmer. In addition, they are very easy to find in stores or online. Our color suggestions? Blue, green or woven (brown) as below.


2. Decorating your walls

Decorating the walls is a very important step that can make all the difference between an ordinary room and a breathtaking room. Here are our two jungle themed favorites. Colorful, original and fun, these wallpaper murals are sure to appeal to young and old alike.

If you prefer to use paint for your walls, choose deep shade of blue or green and do not hesitate to paint two, three or even four walls.

“Birds of Paradise” wall mural from

“Jungle” wall mural from


3. Deco items

Here’s another jungle themed favorite: Löva bed canopy leaves from Ikea. Don’t hesitate to use several in a room. Other deco suggestions? The game tunnels, also available at Ikea, are a great idea and your kids will love them. Don’t hesitate to introduce stuffed giraffes, crocodiles, lions, exotic birds… any animal will find its place in your new bedroom setting. The idea is not to overload the room but rather to have the audacity to create a stimulating, fun and original decor. 


4. Furniture

If you can afford to buy new furniture, that’s great. Choose furniture that can change and evolve with your children’s age. On the other hand, if you can’t afford it, it’s very easy to find tips and advice on the Internet to freshen up and transform your furniture. A simple search on youtube.comHow to refresh furniture” gives you hundreds of results. A good idea to stimulate your senses and shine as an artist.

5. Bedding

You can choose monochromatic tones or original prints, such as foliage, vines or animals. Don’t forget to choose a bedding that fits well with your walls: if you have installed a colorful wallpaper mural, select monochrome bedding and if you have painted your walls, prefer bedding with colorful and bold prints.

Creating a new decor for a child’s room is an interesting and fun project, especially if you choose a theme such as “the jungle”. Don’t hesitate to search for ideas from what’s available on the web, you’ll find hundreds of inspiring ideas. Enjoy your decorating project!


Can a wallpaper mural be placed on any surface?

installation, equally simple maintenance, a myriad of decorative possibilities:
wallpaper murals offer many advantages that make them a great option for
covering your walls. No matter which room you want to decorate, there is a
mural that can enhance it.

Another advantage of wallpaper is its versatility: it can be applied to almost any surface, as long as it meets two simple conditions: it has to be smooth and clean.

Can you put a wallpaper mural on a textured surface?

If you want your wallpaper mural to last for a long time and to achieve a satisfying result, we recommend avoiding placing it on a textured surface. Brick, stone or stucco walls are definitely not suitable for wallpaper murals.

Apart from these few exceptions, most interior walls are perfectly suitable for murals. If your wall is scattered with small flaws that change its texture (grains of dried paint, for example), you can prepare your wall before installing your mural by lightly sanding it. This will make your wall smooth.

Otherwise, wallpaper murals can be
beautifully placed on glass, melamine, pre-finished material or ceramic,
provided the surface in question has been painted beforehand and the paint is
completely dry.

Wash your surface before installing your mural

Before installing your wallpaper mural, make sure that the surface you want to install it on is free of stains from grease, glue, or any other material that could interfere with its application. Fortunately, you can clean the wall without removing the paint by being gentle and using the right products.

The mural won’t stick to your wall as
well if it is dirty so wash it first with a sponge soaked in hot water. For
more stubborn stains, you can use a cleaning product, being careful to choose
one that won’t damage the paint on your wall.

Contact us for more information about wallpaper murals!

If you plan to install a wallpaper mural on one of your walls, make sure you choose a good quality wallpaper and install it properly. You can consult our installation guide or take advantage of our home installation services if you choose one of our prepasted wallpaper murals.

Browse our wide selection of decorative murals or opt for a custom mural and breathe new life into your interior design! If you have any additional questions about installing your wallpaper mural, we invite you to contact us. It will be our pleasure to help!

7 advantages to know about wallpaper murals

Do you want to change the colours of your walls? While painting often comes to mind first, wallpaper also provides beautiful results, in addition to offering many advantages.

Here are 10 things you should know about wallpaper murals to illustrate the various advantages that set them apart from paint. From installation to maintenance and choice, the benefits of wallpaper murals often make them the perfect option to redecorate any room quickly and affordably.

A wide variety of printed images: one of the main advantages of wallpaper murals

Painting is very limited in what you can do in terms of decoration: only colours are available. With wallpaper murals, you have a wide selection of patterns, textures and images to choose from and the possibilities are virtually limitless!

Easy to install, just as easy to take off

All our wallpaper murals are prepasted, which means that they are very easy to install, even if you have never worked with a mural in your life. If you are not convinced that you can do it by yourself, you can always use our installation services. If after a few years you decide to redecorate the room, rest assured: our murals are just as easy to remove!

Customization, another unique feature of wallpaper murals

Wallpaper murals offer you the freedom to decorate your walls with any image of your choice. Whether you want to transform a photo into wallpaper, or convert a work of art of your choice, we only need the dimensions of your room to offer you a custom mural.

Wallpaper murals can hide the small defects on your walls

Do your walls have small noticeable flaws? Paint won’t make them disappear, but wallpaper will! Small holes, scratches and other imperfections can easily be covered by a mural.

With wallpaper murals, no drying time is required!

Depending on room temperature and humidity, drying time can vary between 1 and 8 hours, which can become very tedious if you have to apply several coats. With murals, no drying time is necessary: as soon as it is installed, you can rearrange the room and start enjoying it normally again.

Wallpaper murals are easy to maintain

Washing a wallpaper mural is very simple: just wipe the surface with a damp cloth or sponge and you’re done! For stubborn stains, you can use a little soapy water.

A decorative element that adds character to your room

Wallpaper murals can enhance your room’s decoration more intensely than paint. For example, if you want a rustic look, certain colours can be used, but a mural that imitates a brick wall will have a much stronger effect.

Contact Muralunique to enjoy the advantages of a wallpaper mural

You have ultimately decided to go for a wallpaper mural? If so, we invite you to browse through our large selection of murals, or contact us if you would like a custom-made mural. In either case, we will be happy to serve you!

What are the home decor trends for 2020?

Thinking about redecorating your living space, but aren’t too familiar with the latest trends in interior design? You’re in luck, we’ve prepared a little guide of decorative elements to watch out for in 2020!

Whether you’re looking for a restrained and elegant style or you prefer bright and bold colours, we have ideas for every taste that will undoubtedly delight your guests.

Mural wallpaper: a trendy decoration in 2020

Wallpaper murals have been growing in popularity for a number of years now and don’t appear to be slowing down any time soon: in 2020, some mural designs are more fashionable than ever. We have selected three particularly popular choices for this year.

Oriental-inspired wallpaper

Oriental-inspired wallpaper murals are currently all the rage. Indeed, Chinese art is making a strong comeback in home decor. Cover a wall in your dining room with a mural featuring cherry blossoms and Eastern spiritual figures to give your room a trendy look.

The rustic style brought to modern tastes

One of the latest home decor trends is combining contemporary furniture with rustic walls, which adds an interesting contrast to the room. Rest assured, you won’t have to spend a fortune changing the material of your walls to achieve this result. An imitation brick wall wallpaper mural will do the trick nicely. All you have to do is add some contemporary furniture and you’re done!

Floral wallpaper is in vogue in 2020!

Floral wallpaper may seem old-fashioned, but it’s quite the opposite. However, some murals are trendier than others: go for one with slightly abstract flower motifs and understated colours. This will help you avoid murals with a more outdated look and turn heads with your modern and daring mural decoration.

Which colours are trending for home decor in 2020?

This year, some colours stand out from the rest. These include hunter green and navy blue, both of which are on every designer’s radar in 2020. Various shades of white are timeless and always popular for the impression of luminosity they offer.

Yellow is also very popular this year, irrespective of the shade. Since it is a fairly intense colour, you should only incorporate it into your room in touches. If you match it well with the other colours in your space, you will achieve a wonderful result.

Finally, if you prefer to opt for slightly more subdued colours, caramel, coffee and pale pink are excellent choices to revitalize your bedroom, living room or even your kitchen.

For more tips on home decor trends in 2020, visit our blog section

The above-mentioned elements are only a fraction of what’s in fashion this year for home decoration. Our blog section features dozens of articles on interior design, so be sure to visit it for more tips on the subject.

Are you tempted to buy a wallpaper mural? Browse our wide range of murals directly on our website or contact us for a custom mural. Either way, we will be happy to offer you the best possible service.

5 tips to give a bedroom a makeover without changing everything

Do you want to give your bedroom a new lease on life, but don’t have the time or financial resources to tackle a major decorating project? There are dozens of ways to give a bedroom a makeover in a short period of time without breaking the bank.

As a guide, we’ve compiled 5 quick, effective and affordable ways to dramatically transform the look of a room without changing everything. As you will see, adding a tiny detail to the room can make all the difference.

Install a wallpaper mural for a quick bedroom makeover

Changing the wall colour is an effective way to completely transform the look of a room. Add a little imagination to your room by dropping plain walls and going for a wallpaper mural. This is an original way to personalize your room and make it truly personal.

You can choose a ready-made mural or opt for something more unique by ordering a custom mural. The possibilities are virtually endless, but make sure you choose the right colours for your bedroom so that you don’t get bored with it after a few years.

Change the lighting arrangement for a fresh atmosphere

You will be surprised how much the brightness of a room influences its overall atmosphere. In lieu of the traditional ceiling light, experiment with the arrangement of strings of lights or use several small lamps to create a different atmosphere.

You can also change the colour of your light bulbs. If you decide to do this, keep in mind that drastic changes and intense colours should be avoided. Instead, go with a slight change in hue: subtlety wins when it comes to lighting.

Give your bedroom a makeover by adding life to it!

If your room feels dull and lifeless, add a touch of nature by putting in a few plants! You don’t need to turn your room into a jungle: one or two small plants will do the trick and require little maintenance. If you have no experience with plants, start with easy-care varieties like cacti and succulents.

Change your bedding for an affordable makeover

Changing your bedding is fast, efficient and affordable, giving your room a whole new look. For a greater effect, don’t hesitate to choose colours and patterns that are completely different from what you had before. Just be careful to choose bedding that will blend well with the colours of your walls and furniture.

Personalize your room with photos and posters

Bedroom walls should not be bare. They should reflect your personality. A great way to express this is by lining your walls with photos and posters that represent you well. This will help you end up with a room that reflects you, which will look much less empty and devoid of personality.

Visit our blog section for more decorating tips

We hope that these tips will help you give your bedroom a makeover in no time without exceeding your budget. For more articles on interior design, we invite you to visit our blog section.

If you have decided to install a wallpaper mural in your room, we welcome you to contact us. We have a wide range of murals in stock for all tastes and can design a totally unique custom mural for you.

How do you create a healthy and productive home workspace?

Are you a student, an artist or do you work in a sector that often requires you to work from home? In any case, having a home workspace where you can concentrate on your tasks without being distracted is important.For this space to be effective, you need to be able to be more productive there than anywhere else. How can you make your workspace more conducive to concentration and productivity? The elements of a healthy and productive workspace are different for each individual, but there are a few tips that everyone can apply.

Create a productive environment for an effective workspace

Creating an effective home workspace has three basic rules: it must be clean and tidy, free of distractions and decorated in a way that calms you and stimulates your creativity.

Decorating your workspace

There is no single winning formula when it comes to decorating your home workspace. However, some elements have been proven to stimulate creativity, while others help create a calm and serene atmosphere.

For example, the colour green and natural elements will encourage creative thinking. Place a few plants in your workspace or, if you don’t have a green thumb, install a foliage wallpaper mural. You will feel more creative, but also calmer, which should be helpful for your productivity.

You should also opt for light, soft and soothing colours. Pale blue, off-white or beige, for example, will complement the natural brightness of your workspace and help create a calm atmosphere.

Finally, make sure that there is a good sense of cohesion between the different elements of the room: choose colours that match your furniture for your walls and be careful not to add decorative elements that stand out too much.

A clean and tidy workspace

Most people have difficulty concentrating in a messy environment. Does this sound familiar? If so, try to keep your home workspace tidy: file your documents and equipment so that you can easily find them and avoid letting clutter pile up on your work surface. Optimizing your workspace will save you a lot of time when you’re looking for something.

Enjoy a workspace with no distractions

Finally, the best way to create an atmosphere of productivity is to avoid distractions. You can, for example, avoid entering your workspace with your phone, if your line of work allows it. In any case, try to reduce distractions as much as possible: your productivity will increase significantly.

Think about Muralunique for your workspace decoration

Decorating a home workspace efficiently is different for everyone. That is why it is always best to speak to a specialist in person to determine the choices that work best for you.

At Muralunique, we are experts in wallpaper murals. We can help you find the perfect mural to inspire creativity, calm and productivity. We welcome you to contact us for advice: it will be our pleasure to help you.

3 rules to follow to match your furniture with a mural

Looking to revamp one of your rooms with a new wallpaper mural, while making sure you maintain a certain balance between the colors of your walls and your furniture? This is a task that can come naturally to artists, decorators and designers, but is more difficult for others.Here are 3 rules to follow to maintain well-balanced colors in your room. These tips apply to all types of murals and all rooms in your home. Follow our recommendations to make sure your new mural will turn heads for the right reasons.

Choose your mural based on your furniture, not the other way around

If you already have furniture that you want to keep, choose your mural based on your furniture. You will find it easier to look for a mural that matches your furniture. You may be slightly more limited in the choices available to you, but they will better complement the furniture you already own.

Of course, if you don’t already have your furniture, there is nothing to stop you from choosing your mural beforehand. The important thing is making sure that the furniture you buy afterwards will match it well.

Avoid overly bright colours to easily match your furniture with your mural

It can be tempting to be a little daring and go for a colorful or whimsical wallpaper mural. There’s nothing wrong with this choice, but keep in mind that it will be much harder to find something that goes well with your furniture. Just remember that the more different colors your mural has, the harder it will be to match with your furniture.

We also recommend choosing relatively subdued tones. It is more difficult to accentuate furniture with bright red or lemon yellow than with light brown or navy blue. Decorative brick murals are very trendy at the moment and a brick imitation wallpaper mural will make your light wood furniture stand out.

Contrasts: the key to matching your mural with your furniture

This rule applies to both paint and wallpaper: if your furniture is dark, choose light colours for your walls. A mural in shades of white or beige will complement your black furniture perfectly. Glass furniture also brings out the impression of luminosity offered by lighter walls.

Conversely, if your furniture is light, choose a darker mural. Black and dark grey give a modern look to the room, which can be perfectly complemented by lighter furniture. Black and white prepasted wallpaper murals are also very trendy. Match them with brightly colored furniture to give the room a stunning effect.

Contact us for more advice on how to match your mural with your furniture

Before you invest in decoration, it is always best to have a good idea of what you want. If you would like more advice on choosing your next wallpaper mural, you are welcome to contact us. We can help you choose a mural that perfectly matches your room, your furniture and your tastes.